Meet Perth’s iconic birds, explore the diverse beauty of local wildlife.


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Black Swan

Known for its elegant black feathers and red beak, the Black Swan is Western Australia’s state emblem and a graceful sight.

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Honeyeater New Holland

Energetic and small, honeyeaters sip nectar from flowers, playing an important role in pollination across Perth’s gardens and parks.

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Black Cockatoo Baudin's (Female)

Large, intelligent, and often found in flocks, black cockatoos have distinctive calls and impressive crests, making them unforgettable.

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Famous for its loud, laughing call, the Kookaburra is a social bird that adds charm to Western Australia's bushland sounds.

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Australia’s tallest bird, emus are flightless but fast runners, roaming freely in the outback and known for their curious nature.

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Splendid fairywren

Tiny and brilliantly blue, the male splendid fairywren stands out during mating season, adding a flash of color to the bush.